Locking Stumps Parent Teachers Association

The PTA organises activities and fundraising events to provide facilities and equipment, to support the school and advance the education of the pupils. Throughout the year the PTA holds several events with the hope of raising some additional funds to make our school an even better place to learn. Every parent, carer, teacher and staff member is already a member of the PTA. With the help of the school council and members of our school community, the PTA hopes to develop the relationship between parents and school. Currently, our PTA is raising funds to help the school invest in new playground equipment.
How the PTA supports the school
We organise fantastic and fun events for our children and their families to enjoy, including our Fireworks Display, Santa’s Grotto, Easter Bingo, discos, and much more.
This year, the PTA has bought playground PE equipment and storage containers that the children can use during lunch and breaks. We also supported school by supplying bouncy castles and ice creams for all children, to celebrate winning Head Teacher of the Year and School of the Year (was there any doubt?)!
Annually, we purchase the following:
• Year 6 Leavers Books
• EYFS PE Bags and Water Bottles
• Christmas Pantomimes
• DJ for the Christmas Parties
• Selection Boxes for the Christmas Grotto
• Easter Eggs for Easter bingo
• Raffle prizes for the Summer Fair
PTA Committee & Trustees
Chair Person – Alison Fisher
Treasurer – Claire Ellison
Secretary – Debbie Dumbill
Communications - Kate Conway
Find Out More
We are always looking for new members to help out at events! If you would like to join our new PTA:
Email: PTA@lockingstumps.co.uk
Or join the PTA Members Facebook Group
Or just come along to our next meeting!
To keep up to date with our events and fundraising you can follow our
Locking Stumps PTA Facebook Page
The Locking Stumps PTA has registered with the Stikins fundraising scheme. At no cost to you or us, we will receive 30% commission on all purchases when you use our School Fundraising Number:
Stikins are multi-purpose stick-on name labels, ideal for labelling clothes, shoes, pumps, water bottles, lunch boxes and all school items. See www.stikins.co.uk.
Please do consider using the PTA’s fundraising number when purchasing these stick-on labels.