School Clubs

Traditional After School Clubs: At Locking Stumps we provide a range of after school activities for all of our children. We have many different opporunities, some at specific times of the year, some running all year round. After School Clubs led by teachers and other members of staff are free of charge. They usually run from 3:20pm until 4:20pm but a separate letter provides additional information -
Additional Healthy Activities: In additional to traditional After School Clubs, Locking Stumps provides additional activities for the children, parents/carers and local community. We currently work with 'Freedom Football' who provide after ab school football club, information will be sent out via SchoolPing.
Out of School Care: Locking Stumps Primary School works closely with an out of School Care provider called 'Locking Stumps Lynx Club'. The Club opens at 7:15am until school time and then opens at the end of the school day until 6pm. Additional information about Lynx Club can be found by visiting the partnerships section of our website.