Class 1 - Reception - Mrs MacDonald
The Learning Bubble
Each child has access to their own learning space and class community page along with a range of exciting learning resources. To access these resources as well as other useful things, children need to log into our 'Learning Bubble'. To do this they need to click the 'log in' button on the bottom right of this screen or click the image underneath where it says 'Log into our Learning Bubble. Every child has a username and password. This should be in their homework diary or reading record book. If your child can not find their log in details please speak to Mrs MacDonald.
Please check your child's Learning Bubble community for all the most up to date details, timetables and links.
Log into our Learning Bubble!
EARLY Years Curriculum and also Expectations in Year 1 to Year 6
The documents below will give you some information relating to what children are expected to know by the end of each year group. The EYFS tracker will be most important to you at this stage. It will be used to assess your child throughout his/her time in our Reception class. By the end of the year we are aiming to help your child meet the 'Early Learning Goals' in each of the different areas of learning.
In this class your child will be working towards Statutorty Framework for the Early Years and Foundation Stage. The above documents includes an overview for this year group for also for future year groups (The National Curriculum). Where possible, the learning is linked through topics. We have planned out your child's learning. An overview of these plans along with additional information can be viewed on the Curriculum Page. Please click here. or onto Lockie the Owl to go to the Curriculum page.