Our Curriculum
Key Document List
Our curriculum has been planned by our teachers. It has been contributed to by pupils, parents and governors. Below is some documentation which will help you to understand the rational for our overarching curriculum and the way it has been designed and put together.
Our curriculum Drivers
- Relationships- Enabling happiness, resilience and emotional intelligence within our pupils; making them feel valued and valuing others regardless of background
- Aspiration - Enabling children to develop a desire to learn independently and develop a belief that they can be whoever or whatever they want to be
- Communication- Enabling children to develop confidence to speak, listen, present and articulate appropriately
- Health and Well Being-Enabling children to develop an understanding of importance of being active, looking after our minds and our bodies
Subject Intent Statements
Each subject is planned and delivered in a specifc way. These intent statements share with you what we want our children to learn in each subject and how we plan for them to do this.
Long Term Plans for Each Subject
Each subject has an overarching Long Term Plan. These plans are used by teachers to create a medium term plan and then a shorter term (lesson by lesson) plan to ensure key learning is covered and learned.
Key Learning Concepts and Milestones
Each subject has key learning concepts which are repeated year on year and in some cases from unit to unit. The concepts are repetitive but build up over time ensuring progression.
Reading, Writing and Maths Age Related Expectations
These booklets are provided to our parents every year and at parents' evening. They show an overview of core learning for these subjects.
At Locking Stumps we follow a “mastery approach” within lessons in Maths, which explores:
- a range of mathematical concepts
- a variety of contexts
- an array of representations
- the use of practical equipment to support
- Mathematical discussion using key vocabulary
- collaborative and independent ways of working
- sharing ideas, reasoning and solving problems together
This ensures that our children hold a variety of skills to support their learning and that their knowledge and understanding is deepened within each unit. White rose materials are used to support the planning and small step progression throughout each year group. Below is an example of planning documents used from Year 1 to Year 6. The full set of planning documents can be downloaded by visiting: The White Rose Website and Resources section (click the link). The document list also includes information to show how our maths curriculum is progressive.
English is taught through a combination of spellings,reading, writing, speaking and listening. It is an integral part of our curriculum.
Reading for pleasure is of high importance at Locking Stumps and we aim to ensure a rich and varied reading diet is provided. Teachers place a high value on books and reading by ensuring their classrooms and departmental areas are engaged with reading. Children read independently, teachers and assistants read aloud and model good practice, promote the use of accessing books that are challenging, provide opportunities to read individually to and select high quality texts to engage children in their discussions, reading and writing.
As a school we provide additional events and activities to widen the scope of reading and to ensure that our environment fully promotes its importance. We do this through annual book weeks, book sales, after school clubs, implementation of reading buddies, author visits, library visits, sponsored activities, utilisation of the Education Library Service to supplement our Topic Resources and class reading sets we also highly promote the love of reading through an engaging World Book Day.
The profile and importance of reading is delivered to all parents and prospective parents at parent meetings, presentations, newsletters and during regular correspondence.
A programme of Phonics is delivered daily across EYFS and KS1 through discrete lessons and integrated into the curriculum through whole class sessions and guided reading. Children are regularly assessed, grouped and targeted according to their needs and additional intervention is provided to accelerate progress.
Reading is primarily taught through whole-class reading in KS2 although it is integrated into all of our curriculum. We believe that teaching the whole class allows the teacher to develop a shared love for reading, raise expectations and experiences for all children and better prepare children to meet age related expectations. Some children receive additional intervention outside of the whole class reading sessions to enable them to make accelerated progress.
Reading efficiency is further developed in Year 5 and 6 through the implementation of ‘Reading Plus’. This a piece of software is designed to bridge the gap between functional literacy skills and reading for meaning. Research suggests that students reading more efficiently (i.e. at a speed proportionate to chronological age) are more confident and motivated: the more confident and motivated a student is, the more capable they are at understanding text.
We teach and revisit reading skills and strategies linked to the ability to decode, retrieve, infer, deduce and summarise. Teachers do not limit the teaching of reading strategies and comprehension to the utilisation of class books. Teachers implement the modelling of reading from peer reading or choral reading, using pictures or short films, mystery boxes/or bags, investigating different scenes and ‘hook’ activities.
Children are provided with a home reading book appropriate to their reading ability. These reading books are challenging and regularly monitored to ensure children are reading progressively more challenging and stimulating books. A variety of assessments including a benchmarking tool is used to support the level of book a child is reading. Children who are not reading as frequently at home are identified for further support within school / home.
Across school, children receive spelling homework based on the sounds and spelling rules they have been learning in school. In EYFS and KS1, when relevant, ‘Key words’ are also sent home to read and be assessed each half term.
Vocabulary and language acquisition are a high priority throughout school and every class implement a range of strategies in order to amplify and learn some of the new words that have been visited through whole class and guided reading sessions.
Teachers and teaching assistants have a clear understanding of how children learn to read throughout our school and are provided with regular training.
At Locking Stumps, Writing is taught using the ‘Talk for Writing’ approach from EYFS to Year 6. This approach enables children to imitate orally the language they need for a particular topic, before reading and analysing it before writing their own version. The approach moves from dependence towards independence with the teacher using shared and guided teaching to develop the ability in children to write creatively and powerfully.
The Talk for Writing approach emphasises the importance of the following structure and elements to writing:
Imitation – Creative hook and context
- Internalise model text –text map
- Read as a reader: vocabulary/comprehension
- Read as a writer: Box up text to establish structure
Analyse features
Construct toolkit
Innovation – Box up new version
Shared writing
Independent Application - Hot write
A programme of Letters and Sounds and Phonics is delivered daily across EYFS and KS1 through discrete lessons and integrated into the curriculum through whole class and group sessions. When children are confident with phonics they move towards learning spellings taken from the National Curriculum. Discrete spelling lessons are held weekly in KS2. Children are regularly assessed, grouped and targeted according to their needs and additional intervention is provided to accelerate Writing progress. Across school, children are expected to complete Phonics/Spelling homework (dependent on age or ability) to practise the sounds/spelling patterns which have been taught in school. SPaG teaching is incorporated in to daily English lessons and is an integral part of the Talk for Writing teaching sequence.
Vocabulary and language acquisition are a high priority throughout school and every class implements a range of strategies and discrete teaching in order to amplify and learn some of the new words that have been introduced through Talk for Writing and whole class and guided reading sessions. Children are encouraged to use these within their writing.
Topic Planning
Science and foundation subjects are taught within carefully planned and progressive topics or where this is not possible they are taught discretely. Below is an overview of our school topics and medium term plans for each year group. Modern Foreign Language lessons are taught by Janet Lloyd Primary Languages Network alongside the class teacher and our Music is supported through Accent Music and UpBeat Music. PE is delivered predominantly by class teachers although they are supported by a very knowledgable teaching assistant. The planning overview is subject to change deoending on the needs of the children/school.
See curriculum overview beow:
Click here to see our Twitter Account where you will see a snapshot of some of our learning
Vision and Intent*
At Locking Stumps Community Primary School we strive to provide a safe, happy and consistent environment for our pupils to experience high standards of education, an engaging curriculum and where they develop as young people and global citizens.
At the heart of our curriculum is the belief that every child should be well mannered, respectful and aspirational; this is emphasised within our School Values. We focus on the social, emotional and spiritual development of children, as we believe that happy children who experience an engaging and purposeful curriculum delivered by passionate and effective teachers are more likely to achieve academic success.
Our curriculum recognises the views of children and their families; these views impact on the implementation of our vibrant curriculum. The fundamentals of the curriculum also takes guidance from the DfE’s guidance framework called ‘Character Education’ which focuses on the personal development for all children.
Our curriculum ensures that children experience appropriate breadth, key skills and knowledge as set out in the National Curriculum but it is delivered in a way that is exciting, memorable and promotes lifelong learning. We believe that the best learning allows children to make links, therefore, where possible, we provide a ‘Topic Based’ approach that is driven predominantly by PSHE, History, Geography, Science and Engaging Literature.
*During School Closures our curriculum was followed during remote learning.
Click here to visit our EYFS page and learn more about our Early Years Curriculum
RSE at Locking Stumps
Every primary school is required to deliver statutory relationships education and health education at Locking Stump this is predominantly taught through PSHE, PE, Science and RE.
At Locking Stumps Community Primary School we understand that pupils must be provided with an education that prepares them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life. A key part of this relates to relationships and health education, which must be delivered to every primary-aged pupil. Primary schools also have the option to decide whether pupils are taught sex education. As per the DfE guidance, we have made the decision to teach ‘sex education’ at Locking Stumps.
Relationships education focusses on giving pupils the knowledge they need to make informed decisions about their wellbeing, health and relationships, and to build their self-efficacy. Health education focusses on equipping pupils with the knowledge they need to make good decisions about their own health and wellbeing.
We understand our responsibility to deliver a high-quality, age-appropriate and evidence-based relationships, sex and health curriculum for all our pupils. This policy sets out the framework for our relationships, sex and health curriculum, providing clarity on how it is informed, organised and delivered.
RSE Policy and Resources
At our school, we do teach pupils sex education beyond what is required of the science curriculum. This element of the curriculum is provided predominantly in Year 5 and Year 6 with the help of the school nurse. The focus in Year 5 is linked to Puberty. The topics are also recovered in Year 6 where children learn more about how their bodies are changing, puberty, reproduction and relationships. Parents are informed of these sessions and have the right to withdraw.
School will make contact prior to these sessions to probide more information. Further information can be found below in the RSE policy and scheme of work.